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2024-2025 SEASON


On stage roles




Senior Shorts

Senior Shorts (OATC)

For StageLeft PDX AUDITIONS and CALL BACKS, go to the Alumni Page.

Auditions start with completing an Audition Form (Cast & Crew). See links above and details below. Forms will open by the first day of auditions. Forms close the last day of auditions before callbacks start.


FILL OUT THE FORM ONCE for either Cast OR Crew for your audition.​



  • ALL Cast/Crew fill out their own Audition Form.

  • CAST AUDITIONS are on the Main Stage. Performers only need to attend one audition day.

  • CALL BACKS are on the Main Stage and only for those listed on the Call Back list.

  • CREW INTERVIEWS are in the Black Box. 



  • ALL CAST & CREW must attend all Company Meetings. First company meeting is the first day of rehearsals.

  • Other Company meetings may be called.



  • ALL CAST & CREW must attend rehearsals AND all tech/dress rehearsals AND the performance(s).

  • EACH INDIVIDUAL CAST/CREW must attend all rehearsals for your specific role(s).



  • ALL CAST & CREW must attend the full performance(s). 




Tentative days/times commitment listed below. Days/times may need to change.​​


Senior Shorts

  • Senior Shorts MANDATORY Director Meeting is Wed. Mar. 19 @ 3:45-5:00 P.M. in the Black Box Theatre. 

  • ALL seniors who plan to direct must submit their script by the deadline prior to the Director mtg.

  • See link above to submit script with Director application.


Auditions: Monday, March 31 and Tuesday, April 1 from 3:30-5:30 P.M. in the Main Stage Theatre. You will audition for all of the directors at one time. It's easy and fun! No callbacks. Cast/crew list posted by Wed. Apr. 2 prior to departure to State.



Mon. 4/7 - ALL COMPANY MEETING for SS25 participants @ 3:45 P.M.; rehearsal to follow


All rehearsals are April 7-April 30 on M-F @ 3:30-5:00 P.M. unless otherwise noted per director. See Callboard outside of the Black Box Theatre, Room 009, for comprehensive Sr. Shorts '25 schedule. Most shows rehearse at least twice per week for an hour.


Mon. 4/28 - ALL CALLED; MANDATORY Tech/Dress - BBT Venue

Tues. 4/29 - ALL CALLED; MANDATORY Tech/Dress - MST Venue

Wed. 4/30 - FINAL Tech / Dress - Run BOTH venues concurrently​


Performance :

Thurs. May 1 @ 7pm

All Calls 2 hours before curtain


Strike: After the show on Mon. May 


Students interested in participating can find out more information during Drama Club/Thespian Troupe meetings. Everyone welcome!


Roosevelt's Opening Act Theatre Company welcomes all ages to audition for various shows throughout each season. No experience needed!


See below for FAQs. See above for current audition information.

A special note about CREW auditions:

Anyone interested in being a crew member for a production needs to attend auditions. You will arrive to the theatre lobby to audition, you will see a sign in sheet, a summary of the play/musical, roles available, the rehearsal/performance schedule, and blank audition sheets. You will sign in, read the summary, and review the roles available. You will fill out your audition sheet and wait to be excused. Crew lists will be posted at the same time as the cast list.

WHO can audition?

YOU! Musicals are open "community call" auditions where all ages are encouraged to audition. Priority is given to enrolled RHS students; however, OATC is known for having all ages in their musicals featuring a range of community members. ï»¿Plays are usually cast among high school students. Class plays are cast among currently enrolled RHS theatre arts students.

WHAT happens at auditions?

As you arrive to the theatre lobby to audition, you will see a sign in sheet, a summary of the play/musical, roles available, the rehearsal/performance schedule, and blank audition sheets. You will sign in, read the summary, and review the roles available.


Then, whether you are interested in being cast or on a crew, you will fill out an audition sheet, including what roles for which you want to be considered, any conflicts in your schedule compared with the rehearsal/performance schedule provided, and any experience you might have, although none is required. You will turn in your audition sheet and wait patiently.


When acting auditions begin, you will be asked to read short passages from the play/musical with other auditioners. This is called a "cold reading" because you are reading it without having seen it or working the piece in advance.


If you are auditioning for a musical, you will be divided into smaller groups that will rotate among acting, dancing, and singing auditions. In addition to cold readings, you will learn a short dance combination and demonstrate the steps in a small group. Also, you will sing several music scales after singing a prepared 32 bars of music. You will need to bring the sheet music with the beginning and ending bars marked. If you don't have music, bring your best karaoke track and go for it!

WHEN are auditions?

RHS Opening Act Theatre Company holds auditions approximately 6-8 weeks prior to a production opening. Auditions usually take 2-3 days with 1 day for "Call Backs" where the director asks to see certain auditioners again. If you are or are not on the Call Back list, that doesn't mean you aren't cast. It means that either the Director already cast you or doesn't need to see you again to make the casting decision. See below for current audition information.

WHERE do I go to audition?

Auditions are held either in the Main Stage or Black Box Theatres. Either way, you will go to the theatre lobby first. From outside the building, the lobby is located through the double doors off Ida St. between N. Hudson and N. Rochester. From inside the building, head to the north side of the lower level in the East Wing off of the Commons.

WHY should I audition?

The real question is WHY NOT? The number one fear is public speaking and theatre is safest, most welcoming, positive environment to find yourself while being someone else. Theatre has a place for EVERYONE whether it's on stage singing a solo, being a supporting character, or dancing as an ensemble member to working on costumes, lighting, scenery, or calling the show as a stage manager, to being in charge of the audience's experience from ticket sales to marketing to refreshments. Whatever your interest, you should audition to be a part of something special. So, bring a friend and audition already!

HOW do I prepare for auditioning?

If you can, get a copy of the play from the library at least a week before auditions and read it through. That way, you'll know the story and characters.You can practice some of the lines and look up any confusing words in advance. If you can't get a copy of the play, look in the mirror and practice reading anything you haven't read before aloud because if it's a play, you will be asked to do cold readings.

If it's a musical, you'll need to prepare a bit more. For dancing, make sure you are stretching and drinking lots of water every day. If you have a dance background, be prepared to bring 32-counts of something to share, although you may not be asked to share it, depending on time allowed. For music, after you warm up your body, warm up your voice with vocal exercises so you don't strain your vocal cords. You will need to pick 32-bars of music to sing. Rehearse the section you plan to sing. Bring the sheet music with you and make sure the beginning and ending bars marked. If you don't have music, bring your best karaoke track and go for it!

Is there anything else I need to know?

1) First and foremost, bring a positive attitude! Directors tend to cast actors who are easy to work with and they can help shape. Prima donnas are a turn off. From the minute you walk into the lobby until you leave, you are auditioning.

2) Wear comfortable clothing in which you can move, and that covers you. It's embarrassing for both director and actor if you share more than you intended when you move.

3) Be prepared to wait most of the time during auditions and NEVER ask to leave early. You may be seen once or twice, but that doesn't mean you aren't cast. You never know when you might be asked to read again.

4) The director is rooting FOR you! Directors WANT to find great cast and crew members. The cast and crew list goes up online the day after Call Backs.

5) Show them what you have and have fun! But make sure you don't talk during others' auditions. See #1.


Any required forms will be provided to complete with your audition packet or class project, depending. Sample forms below.


Daily you will be required to bring:
• comfortable clothing in which you can move
• clothing into which you can change
• notebook and paper
• pens, pencils, and erasers
• CLOSE-TOED shoes for stagecraft work and combat
• script(s)/libretto(s)


• weapons, drugs, alcohol, and/or cigarettes
• guests (unless previously approved by OATC; requests must be made with 24 hours notice; not all requests are approved; no guests under/over the age of program participants; OATC medical form required for all guests)
• electronic equipment (If you bring it and you lose it or it’s stolen, it’s your responsibility, not OATC’s responsibility). Cell phones are allowed, but are the members’ responsibility and should be OFF and AWAY during ALL times. 


Name of student: _____________________________________ Age: __________
Doctor’s name: _________________________________ Phone: _________________
Doctor’s address: ________________________________________________________
Allergies/reactions: _____________________________________________________
Medications: ____________________________________________________________
Date of last Tetanus shot: __________________ Other shots current? ___________
Insurance Company Name: ______________________________________________
Insurance Company Address: ____________________________________________
In case of emergency, my child should be taken to __________________________.
(Please list the medical facility to which you desire your child be taken.)


As the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of ________________________, I/we hereby release and agree to defend and hold harmless Portland Public Schools from any claims from any person, entity, in any forum that may arise against them by reason of property loss or damage, injury and/or death resulting from any cause including but not limited to, the student or other participant’s having failed to properly carry out instructions from the Group Leadership, but EXCEPTING those which occur because the Leadership negligently failed to take reasonable steps available to it to protect the student from an immediate substantial hazard actually known to the Leadership.

I/we hereby acknowledge that the activity may contain inherent risks of possible bodily injury. By signing below, I hereby give permission to any staff member of Portland Public Schools to seek and consent to medical and/or dental attention, care, or operation for my child only in an emergency. No child shall be allowed to participate in this optional activity until this form is signed and dated by the participant and the parent/guardian.

By signing below, it is with my full consent that _______________________ will attend the Theatre Arts Program during school, after school, and/or during the summer for Roosevelt High School campus, Thespian Troupe #7289, and Opening Act Theatre Company.

Parent signature: _____________________     Date: ____________

Student signature: ___________________      Date: ____________


All participants have a responsibility to themselves and one another to maintain the highest standards of conduct at all times. Because we care about the safety of each participant, the following guidelines have been developed:

1. The theatre will be used only during approved hours of operation.

2. All participants are to remain at the site or other pre-approved space with an adult present at all times, unless previously authorized to leave. Caution will be exercised with respect to the neighborhood. Stay with at least two other people when outside.

3. All participants must have a signed permission, medical, consent, and risk form on file in order to attend.

4. Arrival on time by 3:30 P.M. and full participation is expected from both participants and adults. Departure on time daily as the building is closed and alarmed by 10:00 P.M.

5. Possession or use of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited and will result in an automatic trip home at the expense of the participant as well as disciplinary action.

6. No inappropriate sexual acts, thank you.

7. Respect for company members and all those with whom we may come into contact is essential both in action and regard to personal property.

8. All property of OATC and site will be cared for and respected. Members are responsible for keeping the property clean and in good condition. Any damage of property is the responsibility of the participant and cost for repairs will be charged to the individual(s) involved.

I understand the guidelines that have been set for Opening Act Theatre Company and agree to abide by the rules. I understand that any violation of these guidelines will warrant a review by the adults and may result in a loss of privileges or being asked to leave permanently without reimbursement.

Parent signature: _____________________     Date: ____________

Student signature: ___________________     Date: ____________


I understand that Opening Act Theatre Company may use my child’s image, quote, or likeness in future brochures or promotions for Opening Act Theatre Company without addition notification.

Parent signature: _____________________     Date: ____________

Student signature: ___________________     Date: ____________

503-916-5260 x82424

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